Monkey, outside the box.

Sometimes, that's all it takes.

Happy Birthday!

To my most favorite monkey in the world!

Merry Christmas!

A Strange Holiday but All The Same:

Honestly, I don’t understand this holiday very well. I’ve asked that it be explained several times now, and I still don’t quite get it. Anything burned in effigy seems more like a protest than a party to me, but that may just be my American roots showing. I suppose it is the same as Dia De Los Muertos—if can sound morbid if not explained in context.
Anyways, I hope everyone in the UK has a great and safe bonfire, and have a bite of parkin for me!

Better late than never!

My internet was down this weekend, so I'm only now getting the chance to say this. In my own time zone, we still have an hour left in the day, so for these last 56 minutes:


Here is a special bloggy e-card for a very special and inspiring person. I hope she likes it! :D
If you also have a Halloweeny birthday: Happy Birthday to you, too!

Happy World Post Day!

I woke up this morning to the notification from @PostCrossing that today is World Post Day!

I poked around but didn't see any highlights. I celebrated by writing up a few more postcards.
How does your country celebrate?